torsdag 24. mars 2016

Vaken analys: Vad händer i Europa & hur kan islamska terrorn bekämpas? MÅSTE SES

Europeiska liv & värden hotade-kan Europa fortsätta vara ett öppet kontinent?  
Klarar vi ta till oss realiteterna, analyser från experter m längst erfarenhet med islamsk terror, och agera?

Här följer video-utdrag av en mycket insiktsfull samtal i Israelsk tv, kring terrorhotet som Belgien och Europa står ovanför:
The Daily Beat - Special Edition - 12h00 -03/22/2016.

Ett måste lyssna/läsa för alla politiker, och alla engagerad av samhälle och politik, och i hur våra barn och barnbarn kommer växa upp.
Det är en klar och insiktsfull analys - vill Europas politiker ha den, eller dra huvan ner i ögonen ett tag till? 
när du lyssnar tillsamtalet, så förstår du att Europa inte har börjat kämpa ordentligt än.
Vad är viktigast? Landets och folkets säkerhet, eller att behandla alla likt?
För andra länder är det konstigt att det är något att undrsas över..

"Europeiska värden under angrepp- kan Europa fortsätta vara ett öppet kontinent?"
Vi möter Yossi Melman, Daniel Cohen and Col.(Res.) Miri Eisen, och de pekar alla på ett antal saker som kan och måste göras annorlunda i Europa för att stå emot terrorn..

Som en nation som är utsatt för konstant terror, identifierar sig Israel naturligtvis starkt med Bryssel. Bara några timmar efter attacken, publicerade den israeliska försvarsmakten en bild med texten "Vi står med Bryssel." 
 Men lika mycket som israelerna förstår smärtan, så står de häpna över oviljan som finns, att göra det som är nödvändigt för att bekämpa terrorism på ett effektivt sätt. 
Lyssna & lär:

Yossi Melman, Daniel Cohen and Col.(Res.) Miri Eisen

Europe faces a huge challenge. 
They have had so many wakeup calls, but they have not listened to them.
Terrorism is not new. 
It’s hard to understand such an attack of that dimension.  
USA learned 9/11, France learned last November.
Belgium had a lot of intelligence information. But they were not able to put the info together.

Suicide bomber is since Paris, new in Europe. It’s very different from gun or knife attacks.
It demands different tactics to deal with it.
The fact that many terrorists are residents, and not refugees, should make it easier for the authorities.


-          January 7-9 2015, Paris, mass shootings
-          October 10 2015, Ankara, Turkey, suicide bombing
-          October 31 2015, Russian plan downed, Egypt
-          November 12 2015, Beirut, Lebanon, suicide bombing
-          November 13 2015, Paris, France, coordinated attacks
-          December 2 2015, San Bernardino, CA, Usa, mass shooting
-          January 12 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, suicide bombing

Last 30 days there were 139 Islamic attacks in 26 countries, in which 1302 people were killed and 2873 injured.

Col. (Res.) Miri Eisen, former advisor to Israeli PM Olmert  

Råd till europeiska ledare, Wakeup call.

Suicide bombers are recruited of someone.
The suicide bomber is a very different terrorist than the ones that recruit them.
I’m worried right now about the recruiters.
The fact that you can recruit, and get the weapons, and find a target, and put this whole thing together,.
What we are seeing and picking up out there now, is the end of the trail, and not the heads of it.

How do you get around to pick up the heads of the trail – is that something that was supposed to be started many decades ago?
First of all, you start whenever you start.
Sadly, when you get a wakeup call, you start.

To be able to seek out terrorists, you have to be able to ask some really hard questions.

You have to ask: What about my citizens? DO I look both at the citizens and the non-citizens?

Do I look at immigrant groups as a profiling aspect?

And these are really not easy questions to ask in Europe in 2016.

We take it for granted that they wake up and immediately understand that there are treats!
I have to tell you, how do you define those treats? It’s exactly the same type of debate as are all the refugees a treat or not a treat?
It all comes back to this, that Belgium has been for many years now, an immigrant country. An overwhelmingly part of immigrant that come there are probably not the type who would join the Islamic state, and not the type who join terrorist organizations.
HOW EVER – that is from the exact same material that the terrorists come out.

So I think the Belgians still have a domestic inner discussion. They need to say about who they are as a country, what that means in their rights, and how they do that.

Now Europe has to deal with its own citizens. How?
How can they find out who can become an ISIS member and who doesn’t?
In Israel we have profiling. And it is very effective. It is very preventive.

Some of the terrorists in Brussel was traced down because of US intelligence, which we are not fond of, but we may rethink what are happening to Europe before we despise it’s value.

Col. (Res.) Miri Eisen, former advisor to Israeli PM Olmert   

Om saknande efterretning.

Europa har vært advart-ikke gjort jobben sin-manglende  lovverk for å bekjempe terror--

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