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From the video below |
This video is from Norwegian TV news in 2011.
It shows a reality of lawless societies within Sweden, so called no-go zones.
How could Sweden, and other European countries, let this happen?
In Sweden today, this have grown to 55 areas with extensive criminal networks , according to a police survey of October 2014.
("En nationell översikt av kriminella nätverk med stor påverkan i lokalsamhället",under rapports, polisen.se.)
Sweden welcomed about 90 000 refugees for 2014 alone, mostly from Syria.
It's a spiritual blindness over Europe.
A brutal awakening are about to start.
In Sweden, immigration and problems linked to Islam, is not allowed to talk about. Addressing these issues are similar with being a racist.
Statistics concerning ethnicity are looked at as racist, and as a result, there is no documentation, for example, to show how to work to prevent rape.
There is a big lack of housing in Sweden, especially for young people.
The unemployment rate for people under 25 was in 2013 on staggering 24%.
In addition to lack of housing and jobs, , the costs of immigration are so high, that politicians have said that welfare offers have to be limited.
You do NOT have to be racist to protest against these things.
It cannot be underlined enough, that there are many immigrants who adjust to the Swedish society, love the freedom of the democracy, and submit to Swedish laws.
That is great and good in every way.
But the problem are immigrants who do not want to submit to Swedish law.
When the result is a society within the society, like shown in this video, the politicians have to stop, think, and do something about it.
Syria has 3 million refugees, and 6 million refugees inside Syria.
They need help, but they all cannot come to Europe.
The international society must help them in the region, and help them get their country back.
Questions concerning unemployment in Sweden
"Economifakta" who refers to statistics from the national statistics bureau, SCB, says that in November 2014, 4 785 500 people had a job (it doesn't say how many %) - BUT it says that definition of employment is that they was working at least ONE HOUR during the week the survey was made.. That includes helping in the family business.
Is this employment.??
This has to be wrong, or else it would be totally nonsens - help anyone?
"Sysselsättningen mäter hur många som har jobb. En sysselsatt utförde minst en timmes arbete under referensveckan. Arbete kan vara som anställd, egen företagare eller att man hjälper till i familjens företag. Personer som deltar i vissa arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder inkluderas också som sysselsatta."
Total employment rate for ethnic Swedes is said to be 83%.
Equivalent for immigrants is 66%. (SvD,May 2014,Quotes from Statistiska Central Byrån )
Because of the attitude that: statistics based on ethnicity is racist -
- I don't think there are any statistics that show how intergrated 2. or 3. generation immigrants are.
If you can add some information to this, please let me know.
UPDATE: The information about work IS TRUE - if you only work ONE HOUR A WEEK, you count as employed, in work - that's insane!
That means unemployment rate are MUCH higher than what the statistics show, and what the politicians say.
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