- Turkey
refused to sign an anti-ISIL communiqué at a counterterrorism meeting in Jeddah
last week.
Turkish border: IS/ISIS flag is waving only 150m away |
their motives are, fear or support, this is what Turkey do.
is a NATO-allied, and a “friend”.
means, NATO countries are obliged to protect Turkey from enemy attacks.
And it means that Turkey shall work with NATO allies to let the allies use NATO air base in Turkey for their operation, but Turkey has not been positive to this.
This morning, we hear that IS/ISIS/ISIL har released ALL the Turkey hostages, and we praise God for their freedom.
But at what cost was this done?
Hostages are important cards in the disgusting game of terror.
Obviously the terrorists wish to separate Turkey from NATO and Europe, as Turkey always have played an important role in the Ottoman empire and Caliphate state.
But there must obviously be a much greater gain for IS/ISIS in the release of all the 49 hostages, and what is this?
Yesterday Turkey opened the border for letting in another flow of refugees from Syria, this time the Kurds.
IS/ISIS fighters backed by
tanks captured 16 Kurdish villages over the past 24 hours(?) near the Turkish border, and the Kurds were fleeing for their lives.
Turkey have earlier called out and said they are not able to handle more refugees, the situation in Syria is terrible.
There are 3 mill refugees, where of 1,3 mill are in Turkey.
In addition to that, there are another 6 mill who are refugees inside their own country.
That means one third of the Syrian population is refugees.
Somehow they must have their country back.
Twitter photo of refugees arriving Turkey border from Syria yesterday |
Military and political plans of rearranging Middle East map have been discussed for decades, including a large Kurdistan.
The armed forces of Kurdistan,( Peshmerga) have existed since the advent of the Kurdish independence movement in the early 1920s, following the collapse of the Ottoman and Qajar empires which had jointly ruled over the area.
The Kurds are living in the border areas of Turkey, Syria and Iraq.
Now they are maybe the only opposition group that US and The West are arming and training that can be trusted to be on our side?
Yesterday Obama got support for arming and training other "moderate" groups in Syria, so they can take out IS/ISIS terrorists together with Coalition air strikes and intelligence.
That may be a dangerous thing to do, knowing these are muslims, terrorists, with the same goals as IS/ISIS: Califate and submission to islam - they are just less violent.
At any given moment they may join IS - there must excist a US plan to deal with that, I assume?
But I don't feel assured of what Obama is doing - why have we not seen heavy US bombing of IS/ISIS positions and headquarter in Raqqah?
In stead Obama explains in the media where to hit next, and give time to IS/ISIS to move and hide their weapons.
Yesterday news could also tell how IS/ISIS split up their arsenals, in order to be less vulnerable.
That is not a good strategy, Obama.
Who is friend and who is enemy in this Middle East end game?
UPDATE July 2016: The window that OBAMA HAD to turn Raqqa into a parking lot has now closed.
Today we see how ISIS/ISIL has lost land both in Syria and Iraq, they have spread (just as they planned) to other countries, and are destabilizing all of the Western world.
"The bees are out of the hive".
Obama is the greatest gift to islam of this century.
Today this strategy is not enough anymore. As with Hitler: Too little, too late. Watch out for Turkey. They can be the "new Raqqa".
What we DO know, is that whatever man try to do, God will turn this to glorify Him.
And we know who has the victory in this end game between good and evil: God.
From The Bible we know the reason to why ALL in politics through history seems to center around the Middle East and a little peace of land called Israel.
The Bible tells us prophecies how what will happen in the end times, much of this we can see happen right before our eyes today.
From The Bible we also know there's a coming nuclear incident in Iran and The Middle East.
How could this be described thousands of years ago, when no such existed?
Find a church with Bible study groups, and find out!