lørdag 23. februar 2013

Case for the Covenent(VIDEO)


From Genesis to Revelation, it’s all about keeping the wedding vows..
Get rid of the idea of commandments, laws, whatever you want to call them..
Folks, in the simplicity of Jim Staley who didn’t go to college, they’re wedding vows.
That’s all He’s looking for.. His Bride to honor her wedding vows..

When you came to know the Messiah for the first time,  THAT was the moment you stood in front of the Father and you said: I DO!
You’re saved through faith, not by works as mentioned most,
But as Jim said, show me your faith without keeping the wedding vows, and I’ll show you my faith BY keeping my wedding vows..
That’s what it’s all about..

The nr 1 plan of the enemy is to keep you from keeping your covenant vows.
It is a fight for the Bride!
That’s what’s going on right now!
The entire Bible is about the Creator and His archrival fighting over the Bride.
-          One trying to get the Bride keep her wedding vows so that she will be protected and blessed
-          One trying to get her to forget about her covenant so that she will be cursed

See also:
 >>  New Beginnings