onsdag 15. juni 2016

Vad behövs i kampen mot ensam-vargarna?

Länder utanför Europa, som till ex Israel som verkligen känner islamsk terror, ser klart att Europa befinner sig i en farlig situation. Vi har misslycktas stort i att bedömma hotet mot oss, och vi måste nu börja inse vilken fara vi befinner oss i, och börja kämpa.
Bilden är från en ISIS video som refererar till nio Paris terrorister. England har 5000 soldater klara att rycka in som stöd för polisen – vad har Sverige förberedd? EUROPOL varnar och ber EU länder förbereda även för CBRN-vapen.
Det viktigaste arbetet en politiker har, är att försvara Sverige och det svenska folk.
Alla invandrare som är sekulära och stödjer svensk lag – om de inte skall kunna vara säkra i Sverige, var då någon stans kan de hitta frid?

Det har varit förbjudet att tala sanning i Europa. Islams hårda kritik och angrepp mot de som talar sannning om islam, ligger fortfarande som ett klamt tecke över Europa.

Men det är ledande politiker inom Europa och Sverige som inte tillåter människor som har en klar analys av vad som pågår i Europa i dag, att tala om detta.

Att tala nedlatande om klarsynta människor, och avfejda som islamofobi och rasism, är ett mycket farligt misstag.

Vigtigt nu är arbetet med att spora upp ensamma vargar, som utför terrorattacker ensamma.

·         Övervaka och analysera sociala nätvärk och internet.

·         Ha lagar som möjliggör för Polis och domstol att arrestera och förvara teorrormistänkta i förebyggande syfte.
Det att kunna arrestera en som tweetrar om att utföra en terrorhandling, kan förhindra en ensam-varg attack.
·         Muslimska samhällen måste aktivt deltaga i att förhindra terrorattacker.
Terrorister är ofta radikaliserad på nätet, men vi hör i Europa om imamer som förfektar sträng sharia, och stöd till ISIS/ISIL. Även om inte imamen är radikal, så kan man kan man hitta islamistiska hållningar och kontakter i styrelsen till moskeerna.
Norska Rights.no har dokumneterat mycket om detta. Vi har också sett flera dolda upptag från moskeer, med samtal med imamer.
Muslimerna måste ut ur offer-rollen, och börja ta mer ansvar för att rapportera mistänkliga handlingar,ord, eller upptreden. Det är helt nödvändigt, och måste vara ett krav.
Ingen muslimsk förening borde få ekonomisk stöd, utan först inrulleras i ett kontinuerligt samarbete om förebygging av terrorism.
De måste också arbeta aktivt för att överbevisa islamister om hur deras handingar kan skada familj, vänner samhälle, och sig själv. Förvar och utvisning måste användas i största möjliga omfattning.

Terrorister som redan åkt till Syrien måste fråntas sitt svenska pass och ev medborgarskap, och naturligvis inte få komma tillbaka till Sverige. De utgör ett stort hot med sin kunskap om att organisera och driva krigföring.


Avskräckande medel är mycket viktigt i förebyggande syfte.
Det sänder signaler om att terror inte löner sig.

Sådana signaler kan vara:
·         Utvisning till hemlandet eller till Syrien

·         Förlora medborgarskap

·         Reaktioner överför hans familj kan vara speciellt förebyggande, därsom de inte har medverkat till gripandet.


    Analysis:What needs to be done against the lone wolf,

Partiledardebatt: Jimmie Åkesson(SD)


 Här talar SDs ledare Jimmie Åkesson i partiledardebatten.


tirsdag 14. juni 2016

How Survive if We Don't Confront Extremism? Left extremist, Urging to Terror, Allowed Sommer Speech in Swedish Radio

An excited mob is shouting the "lyrics" of Silvana Imam, rap "artist", encouraging the listeners to kill politicians in Dec 2013. Today she is welcomed into Swedish State Radio. All the political parties in Sweden except SwedenDemocrats (SD) were present at the this anti racism demonstration, together with 16 000 people. Source: Expressen
Why don't any politicians care and act! 
If you are encouraging people to commit terror crimes and murder, you belong in prison, don't you? 
How can Europe survive, as long as we don't confront extremism?

Following are the words of Silvana Imam, who now has an open door into Swedish State Radio for holding a summer speech:

“Know what you’re thinking, 
but you know what will happen to them who come here and sound like Jimmie Åkesson (Leader of Swedish Democrats, SD)
Then who don’t care about the foreigner, want the pigs in power.
So go and sharpen the knife, and lead the pig to slaughter.”

Had this been in another country, this act of urging to terror against members of a political party, Swedish Democrats (SD), would not go unpunished.

When the Swedish government is looking the other way, and not taking seriously treats against Swedish citizens, then any terror act of any kind is on their hands. God forbid.

When the government KNOW there is a treat, it is spoken, it is out in the open, the CAN do something about it, and they say: "There is nothing we can do" - then they are responsible for any violent act.

In Sweden, it exist a very strict policy of not criticizing immigrants, we shall receive jihadists returning from Syria with jobs, housing and psycological help.
The Police are told to be buddies with the islamic criminals, and give them coffee.
People who criticize islam, or immigration are called islamophobes, nazis, fascists, and Sweden Democrats.  
People have experienced to loose their jobs and housing.
Many people don't really dare to say out aloud that they support The Sweden Democrat Party, but 24% of the people do.

Government minister Åsa Romson refuse to shake hands with SD leader Jimmie Åkesson in Parliament, 2015.

Still no parties in the Parliament is willing to work or cooperate with The Sweden Democrats. In the Parliament they refuse to shake hands with them.

The small Social Democrat government could been parked by the conservative parties a long time ago, but we continue with this government just because the leaders of the conservative party, Moderaterna, don't want to speak to Swedish Democrats.

Out in the districts, a lot of Moderates want to cooperate with SD, and SD is going to play a big part in the 2018 election, if not sooner.

  • SD is the only party that take immigration seriously.
  • Since 2015 however, many other political parties has adopted parts of the Sweden Democrat policy, which they earlier was so against.
  • Now they see that this is the only right.
  • But they are not nearly doing enough.

And the Swedish Democrats will continue to grow.

Top: Goverment politician, Yasri Kahn, creates storm when he refuses to take women in hand. Media writes about many islamists in goverment party, but besides two had to leave their work, nothing happens. Bottom: Some weeks later, Swedish foreign minister, Margit Wallström, who insist running  feminist politics, does the same when meeting with the Iranian prime minister.

There is no real will to go to the roots of the terrorist problems. The Swedish government is bending backwards to create housing, school and work and health care for the migrants. To do this, they are creating big loans, and increasing taxes, and cutting in puplic service.

This are creating a welfare state in deep trouble, and big problems for Swedish citizens.
Why has the government never done this much to help Swedish people to get education and jobs? Never helped Swedish youth get foster homes, therapy, or an apartment?

Just as great is the responsibility for the moderate Swedish muslims, who maybe traveled half the world to be free from the "true" muslims, just to find themselves exposed for the very same jihadism in Sweden.
"True" muslims say leaving islam is punished by death. 
If we want their support against islamic terror, we must assure them they are safe to do so.

The government wants migrants to get 3 times as much support for going to school and ordinary Swedish citizens. They have created a short cut for immigrants to apply for work. Anyone should understand that this is creating division, and a frustrated people.

If we do everything we can, give the migrants housing, jobs, schools - then maybe they will integrate, work, pay taxes and be peaceful migrants.

This is the government strategy, and has been the strategy of the conservative parties as well. It was the previous leader of Moderaterna, Reinfeldt, who said to the Swedes: Open up your hearts for the refugees, and no one dares to protest.

Sweden Democrats is the only party who has put the Swedish citizens first, and have an understanding of the true treats of islamic terror.

If the Social Democrat experiment doesn't work, Sweden as we know it, will cease to exist. 

Islamic state ISIS/ISIL declared war to the Western world a long time ago.
It's about time we stop putting the head in the sand, and start act like we are in war - because we are.

The West suffers from a lack of vigilant, strategic and wise leaders.
EU's handling of the migrant crisis is catastrophic, and will lead to the dissolution of EU.
This is why Great Britain may vote for BREXIT, and this is why it is false when people will say that BREXIT is the cause of the collapse of EU.

We desperately need a strong US President to take back the leading position in the world. To undo all the wrong Obama has done, when he withdraw from one arena after another, leaving the scene to undemocratic forces.

We need to deal with things differently.
EUROPOL has in two occations 2015 stressed that EU countries must prepare for enormous terror attacks, also with CBRN weapon - they must prepare the people and the country.
Do we feel prepared?
Have the government done anything to prepare us for this?

All focus is on creating housing, school, health care and jobs for the migrants.

Swedish minister Morgan Johansson, Social democrats, attacked in an asylum shelter in Broby, south in Sweden, by a migrant. Mr. Johansson in the middle with white powder on his jacket. Source: Svt

In Sweden we have every week violent crimes and fights at asylum shelters. Even murder.
We have now a huge problem with sexual assults and rapes against not only women, but children. Even some young boys.
Some swimming halls must have securitas gards, becasue of large numbers of assults.
Music festivals must have extra security of the same reasons.
Crime is rising, and many are rapporting of burglars in their house, even when they are at home.

We are at war - we must start defending ourselves.
The most important task for a government is to protect it's citizens and the land.

Many of the terrorists behind terrorist attacks have been known by the Police. Source: Politico.eu

  • Many of the terrorists have been known and investigated by the Police. They expressed sympathies with radical islam, and/or there had been a lot of "red flags".
  • We don't have resources to track them all.
  • If actions had been taken to arrest them, or send them out of the country to their home land, many lives could have been saved.
  • If some civilians had been carrying  legal arms, some terrorists may have been stopped earlier.
In the end it comes down to this:
What are the most important: The lives and security of the people, or justice for the possible terrorist who express support to islamic terror?

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